More warehousing space in Morocco

Militzer & Münch Morocco is expanding in Tangier: 2,000 square meters of additional warehouse space are to ensure faster handling.

The port city of Tangier is located at the northern tip of Morocco, close to the Strait of Gibraltar, barely 30 kilometers from the Spanish mainland, and thus at a strategically extremely important position for goods flows. For many years, the Tangier branch office has been Militzer & Münch’s gateway to Morocco.

At this time, Militzer & Münch Morocco is expanding its own warehouse with an annex: 2,000 square meters of additional logistics space will help meet the increasing customer demand and ensure the even faster handling of shipments: “At our location in Tangier, we have been recording steadily growing volumes for years”, explains Olivier Antoniotti, Managing Director of Militzer & Münch Morocco. “With the new warehouse, we can handle the additional transport volume even better and with more flexibility.”

In total, the warehouse area in Tangier will grow to 5,000 square meters. The inauguration and operational start-up of the new facility is scheduled for the beginning of January 2024.

Militzer & Münch Eichenzell: the gateway to the Maghreb

Most of the overland transports from the Militzer & Münch branch office in Eichenzell in Eastern Hesse are bound for one or more of the Maghreb countries. This makes Eichenzell one of the most important hubs for transports to Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco.

The small township near Fulda and Frankfurt is home to the German Militzer & Münch hub for the Maghreb – and it is continuously developing. Over the last few years, the branch has experienced steady and healthy growth. “We have a clear picture of the direction we want to take in the future,” says branch manager Julian Backenstoß. “We are receiving very positive feedback from our customers for our consistently good service. As a result, we’ve been able to expand our business and also increase our staff.” Close to twenty colleagues are now attending to the needs of customers. The attached warehousing area covers around 4,500 square meters.

Consolidated freight destined for North Africa
On average, eight to ten containers leave Eichenzell every week in a southerly direction to begin their journey to North Africa: four to five semitrailers per week head to Morocco via Algeciras in Spain. Another four to five round trips per week go to Tunisia via Marseille and Genoa. The focus is on consolidated freight.

The trucks need about six to seven days to make the journey to Algeria. Multimodal shipments are completed within nine to ten days. “If time is of the essence, customers prefer the pre-carriage by truck to Marseille. If transit time is not an issue, the combination with rail is a popular choice, also because it is cheaper. The customer can save a few hundred euros and at the same time do something for the environment,” explains Lilli Macholdt, Deputy Branch Manager and Trade Lane Manager Maghreb.

More than just the Maghreb
“We have a lot of experience in organizing and carrying out transports to the Maghreb countries,” explains Julian Backenstoß. “That’s why we keep expanding our activities and recently opened a branch office in Augsburg. There, under the management of Fourat Chetoui, Trade Lane Manager Maghreb, we are currently focusing on the direct freight business to and from the Maghreb. However, we also offer overland transports to many other destinations, of course.” In addition to transports to North Africa, Militzer & Münch also handles groupage transports to Azerbaijan via Eichenzell, as well as transports to Eastern and Western Europe. Moreover, the Eichenzell branch office has been the official CargoLine Germany depot for more than ten years, acting as a hub for classic groupage pre- and on-carriage to and from Europe or within Germany.”

Militzer & Münch Romania: Upswing and Optimism Despite Uncertain Times

Militzer & Münch has been present on the Romanian logistics market for almost 20 years with its own country unit. The focus is on imports and exports within Europe, with customers mainly from the industrial goods and clothing sectors. Despite current uncertainty factors, the subsidiary not only proves to be stable, but it can even report growth.

At the Romanian subsidiary, all signs point to expansion. And this although market conditions are currently rather challenging. The ongoing war in neighboring Ukraine, the energy crisis, and high inflation are creating uncertainty on the market and hardly allow any forecasts.

Teamwork to defy challenges

According to Managing Director Valentin Dragu, the fact that Militzer & Münch Romania is nevertheless so well positioned on the market is mainly due to the high degree of motivation and hard work of his team. “The logistics industry is very dynamic; you have to act flexibly and to be able to react to current market changes. I am very proud to say that we accomplish this even in difficult phases. As a medium-sized transport service provider, we are holding our own very well against the competition, and we are therefore generally optimistic about the future,” he says.

New location, new employees: for the roughly 30 employees of Militzer & Münch Romania, a move was due last fall; the M&M Romania team relocated to new, modern premises in downtown Bucharest. “Our current team members are happy with the new offices and the location’s very good transport connections, but hopefully also new team members in the future will appreciate this, as we are currently looking for reinforcement”, says Valentin Dragu.

Upswing in road and sea transport

So far this year, the current geopolitical and economic situation has had hardly any impact on Militzer & Münch Romania’s activities and results. The country unit recorded a slight decline in project business, though, the volume of road transports, however, increased, and in the sea freight sector, an upswing is noticeable, too.

Nevertheless, Valentin Dragu plans to focus Militzer & Münch Romania on transports that have proven successful for his company: “We expect trade within Europe to intensify next year, which will open up many opportunities for us. Therefore, we are now working on further expanding our transport business and trade relations in this direction – and hopefully soon with the vigorous support of new team members!”

A strong location of high potential

Whether capacities, energy prices or personnel costs: for the airfreight industry, the Corona pandemic was not without consequences. At present, it is still virtually impossible to make any long-term plans. In times of uncertainty, however, there are also some constants – like Frankfurt Airport, which has maintained its strong position as a major cargo hub in Central Europe for many companies. Including for Militzer & Münch.


M&M air sea cargo GmbH has an office directly at Cargo City South, Frankfurt Airport, where 15 employees work to serve customers; and the service goes far beyond standard freight: the team primarily handles dangerous goods shipments, valuable cargo and GDP (Good Distribution Practice) compliant transports for pharmaceuticals, which are subject to specific requirements, for instance with regard to refrigeration.

Santino Hormuth has been working in the logistics industry for 15 years and has been managing the branch of M&M air sea cargo GmbH at Frankfurt Airport for just over a year. Transports according to GDP guidelines have characterized his work from the very beginning, as immediately after he joined the company, certifications in the GDP area were already taking place. “That was rather challenging for me – after all, I was familiarizing myself with the internal structures, the work processes, and my colleagues at the same time,” he recounts. “Not least thanks to the excellent cooperation on the team, we passed the certifications successfully and have since been working on boosting GDP transports as a product in our portfolio and expanding our customer base in this area.”

Special, in many ways

In 2021, the air freight volume at Frankfurt Airport was around 2.3 million tons, the highest amount of cargo handled at any German airport. Europe-wide, Frankfurt Airport is one of the ten largest airports.

Santino Hormuth appreciates his workplace and is aware of its importance: “Frankfurt Airport is a magnet for companies, an important location for science and education, and one of the biggest workplaces in Germany. It is also the Lufthansa home base and the leading cargo hub in Europe. This gives the airport a very special position also for Militzer & Münch,” he explains. “Moreover, our location directly at the airport is definitely of competitive advantage for us: we are virtually in the middle of the action, and can act fast.”

Speed is the order of the day

Speed plays a crucial role in the handling of air freight projects. In most cases, orders are urgent and need to be handled efficiently and swiftly. In this respect, Militzer & Münch benefits from its decades of experience and presence on the market, as well as from well-practiced teams. This allows for short decision-making paths with a minimum of bureaucracy – and that way, even particularly urgent transports become routine tasks. Santino Hormuth’s team regularly handles just-in-time shipments for automotive suppliers, transports engines and other parts for the air freight industry, and was recently responsible for the transport of equipment for the World Cup in Qatar from Frankfurt to Doha.

Santino Hormuth’s goal for 2023 is to further increase Militzer & Münch’s freight volume at Frankfurt Airport, the number of key accounts, and of existing customers. To this end, among other things, there are plans to restructure the sales department.

“We are still facing tense times. But in my year so far with Militzer & Münch, I have experienced how informal and at the same time professional the cooperation is here at the Frankfurt site and across all branches. Therefore, I am sure that we will successfully master this phase.”